Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc: This website is sponsored and maintained by the Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc. (IBH). Over the past years, the United States has made impressive progress in the fight against illegal drugs: Since 1979, the number of drug users has dropped from a high of 25 million users in 1979 to the current level of 19.5 million., since its inception in 2010, has been a premier resource for the coalition to combat drugged driving. Much of this information has been available for many years, but here it has been assembled for the first time in a simple state-by-state format to aid legislators, staff, and the general public in their understanding of the dangers presented by drugged driving

NHTSA was established by the Highway Safety Act of 1970 and is dedicated to achieving the highest standards of excellence in motor vehicle and highway safety. It works daily to help prevent crashes and their attendant costs, both human and financial.

GHSA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit representing the state and territorial highway safety offices that implement programs to address behavioral highway safety issues.

NDAA was formed in 1950 by local prosecutors to give a focal point to advance their causes and issues at the national level. NDAA representatives regularly meet with the Department of Justice, members of Congress and other national associations to represent the views of prosecutors to influence federal and national policies and programs that affect law enforcement and prosecution.

We Save Lives: Led by MADD founder Candace Lightner, We Save Lives campaigns with other organizations, business entities and individuals who are concerned with THE 3 D’s: DRUNK, DRUGGED AND DISTRACTED driving. While drunk driving is still a very serious problem, DRUGGED AND DISTRACTED driving are emerging as critical traffic safety threats