Colorado myopia

Colorado politician Representative Ed Perlmutter introduced H.R. 1595 to the US House of Representatives on March 7, 2019. 

“The purpose of this Act is to increase public safety by expanding financial services to cannabis-related legitimate businesses and service providers and reducing the amount of cash at such businesses.”

Cloaking his aim of expanding marijuana commercialization as a “public safety” issue demonstrates the myopia infecting so many politicians today.  Promoting a popular drug may be good politics, but marijuana’s adverse impact on highway safety is undeniable.  Whereas most adult users may use the drug occasionally with impunity, those who progress to Cannabis Use Disorder (aka addiction) cannot.  The drug, especially potent versions of it,  increases  psychotic episodes in users, as is increasingly being documented worldwide.  Denver’s 16thStreet Mall is being crippled by increasing homelessness, panhandling and violence fueled by widespread acceptance of marijuana abuse.

So why does Perlmutter claim that promotion of marijuana commercialization increases public safety?

Perlmutter and his 108 co-sponsors (including all of Colorado’s Democratic Representatives) also believe there are legitimatecannabis-related businesses.  How can businesses that are in violation of federal law be considered legitimate under federal law?  

Are we being too kind in considering Perlmutter to be simply myopic?


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